I’m totally stoked to meet her. I have so much to show her. The only real problems I can think of are the lame, misogynistic activities that are crammed down girl’s throats nowadays. I mean from my limited experience with the girl scouts, it is damn near impossible to go hiking or repelling and don’t even think about not selling cookies. Hell, you can’t even be a dude and be involved as an adult leader. She’ll have to deal with guys always thinking she can’t drive stick (which she will by age five) or that she won’t know anything about cars. The attitudes surrounding all sorts of “this is for boys”, “that is for girls” bullshit.
Still, I won’t get too concerned about it yet. Besides if she is anything like LJ and I she won’t really care about or tolerate people like that. I just can’t wait to have this kid. Man, what a trip. Me…a dad.
I have some pictures. Now, the orange one looks a bit weird because it’s a 3D imaging software that they use, not an actual image from inside the uterus. I also cropped out the umbilical chord for you queasy wusses.
The hand one, I was told by a reliable source, was taken just after my little girl was making another gesture. From the description, and my genetic influences I can only assume it was something like this.
Finally, we are trying to come up with baby names. My personal favorite thus far is Autumn Rose, but LJ isn’t a fan. We have heard suggestions ranging from
Awesome, although she looks a little like a Martian because of the reddish orange color...still I can see her potential attractiveness!
Dad says you should look at Scandinavian names since Laura's family is from Sweden. Autumn Rose just raises images of Gypsy Rose Lee or the main character in a bodice ripper novel! As I said before..in your head imagine hearing the entire name pronounced as she walks across the stage to recieve her diploma. If it will probably elicit snickers, think of another name. She's going to have enough dealing with the "Jolly Roger" and "Jolly Rancher" and "Jolly Green Giant" jokes. Don't add to her burden!
o.K., got it, no lace or pink. Can I get her a denim skirt and denim jacket?
congrats man. And good luck with the whole "tom-boy" thing. I hoped for the same thing and yet my house is still filled with Cinderella, Belle, and Jasmine crap.
Name her Corinne would sound pretty good.
Corinne Elizabeth Jolle - Liz is too common
Corinne Annabelle Jolle - has southern charm
Corinne Sven Jolle - my favorite!
Corrine Anneliese Jolle
Rachel Jolle
I think your mom is onto something with the Scandinavian names. Especially Sven!
I'm really impressed that you are going to be a daddy. And very jealous. State of Massachusetts just declared that I am not permitted to reproduce.
Make sure you take her to one of these: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1823930,00.html
Yeah. That won't screw her up.
What about Angelina? I think you both being from Georgia that you should give her two male names to make up a girl name. Kill two birds with one name per say. Bobbi-Joe, or Billy-Jean or Toni-Steve. She's sure to be a tom boy then and marry a nascar fan.
@courtney - ONly the State of Massachusetts has declared that? Well there are 49 other states! :)
Hey mark, long time. :p I agree with Swedish/Norwegian type names. With lots of umlots and other decorations on the vowels and consonants.
Of course if the economy and politics keeps going the way they are, you'll have no choice but to name her America is Great Jolle.
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